Monday, 5 December 2011
Farwell most great fabulous teacher!
As water splashed everywhere and ballons popped from bodys to grass. The bell rang! Ding a Ding a Ding! it went. The day of fun and great mermories had just ended. Everyone had no formed a crowd around a great beloved scottish teacher Mrs Clements who was going to Singapore on Sunday. Tears came streaming down faces and noise began to come out of their mouths. It sounded like hicupps. Room1 was so sad she was leaving. Everyone cried with desperation and pleaded her to stay but to late she booked a flight to leave. Room1 knew she was family. They were so closed to her everyone cried very hard and alot of tears came streaming down their faces at top speed. I guess it never ended. Well Miss Clements if you're reading this post today. Farwell and Thankyou for all the great love and happiness plus teachings you have given and taught us to today and straight forward untill life ends. Ill miss you so much and I am pretty sure no perfect teacher like you can replace to you.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Mrs Trunchball Description
Mrs Trunchball is a tall women because when she is talking to children like Matilda she always bends down. She is as ugly as a frog. She has humongous shoulders because she is athletic. She also wears green short breeches with a heavy belt with a silver lock on it. She wears long green stockings along with brown bogs with holes.
Mrs Trunchbull is as mean as bully. She is mean to children, teachers and even parents. She is the headmistress of Crunchem Hall. You go near her you will feel doom and danger coming towards you.
Mrs Trunchbull hates children and teachers like Mrs Honey. She hates being disturbed because she says she is always busy. Mrs Trunchbull hates people around her so she likes to be alone. She also loves and enjoys athletic sports. Like shot put.
Matilda's Revenge
It was early in the morning when Matilda got out of bed. She ran down stairs and quickly set the oven.
While it was settling she ran outside to see if there were any bugs in sight. She saw grasshoppers jumping around, coachroach lying on the ground and ants running up and down. She secretly captured the insects and ran back inside.
She splatted the eggs down on the pan and in 5 minutes the breakfast was ready. She started to hide the insects. She first hid the coachroaches underneath the bacon. She then hid the grasshoppers behind the broccoli and last of all hid the ants in the Milo. She had a disgust frown on her face “YUCK” she whispered she put the breakfast on the tray and put it on the table.
But then she remembered the last bit of her plan. She quickly went to the bathroom and got the thin big bottle of super glue. She ran downstairs and put 4 neat straight lines on the chair. It even made a square. She then pushed the chair in.
Finally her dad came down stairs sat on the seat and yelled “Where is my breakfast”. Her mum came in and said” Looks like Michael made your breakfast”. “How sweet of you Michael” Mr Wormwood said. Michael had a frown on his mouth. He did not know what they were talking about. Mrs Wormwood gave his breakfast with a fork and a sharp knife. He at the egg. He said it was nice. He ate the bacon but then he tasted something crawling around. His face went red. He spat the bacon down and found a coachroach crawling around. He screamed. He quickly drank his Milo and felt more crawling things in his mouth. He spat it out and saw millions or less ants running around He started to yell like girl. He yelled so loud that the Milo fell on the floor and more ants poured out of the Milo. He then saw nothing near the broccoli so he ate it and when he opened his mouth a grasshopper jumped out.
He was so satisfied he got up and along went the chair with him. He then noticed that he could not stand straight. He looked in the back of him and saw the chair was stuck to him. He looked around angry and stopped right at Michael. “What kind of a breakfast is this you give to your father and after all I have done for you”. “But I did not do it Dad” Michael cried. “Don’t lie to me boy soon you are going to join the business and this is how you treat me”. Steam started to pour from his ears. He was so angry he was able to rip of the chair that was stuck to his bottom. From that day on Matilda was so happy she accomplished her revenge
Matilda Description
Matilda is a small young girl. She is a 4 year old with hair as long as Rapunzel. Matilda has a short pointy nose. She has very small eyes and a skinny body.
Matilda is smart as Mrs Clements. She is very sneaky, she was able to put super glue in her dad’s hat. Matilda is also very nice and has manners to Mrs Phelps.
Matilda likes to read a lot of books. Matilda, I know that because she can read a lot of adult books. Matilda hates the facts that her dad is dishonest with his job. Matilda also hates to watch TV and the TV dinners she gets from her Mother. She says it is very disgusting.
Monday, 28 November 2011
Pizza Song
Im not afraid,Im not afraid to take a pizza, to take a pizza.
Everybody, Everybody, take a slice take a slice. Its only $1.00 come to Room1 and order it right now. Everybody please come Waka Waka Pizza Planet!
Everybody, Everybody, take a slice take a slice. Its only $1.00 come to Room1 and order it right now. Everybody please come Waka Waka Pizza Planet!
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Pizza Day!
As the children worked hard by rolling the dough making pizza shape bases and putting alot of ingredients on while on the other hand Mrs Clements our wonderful energetic teacher wa s yelling Hurry Up trying to encorage to go alot more faster. I guess she really wanted to do this. . Finally we were done that I had just mention tro you earlier. So we ended up selling it in time. Everyone loved our pizza I think and wanted to eat somemore. Thankyou Clendon Park School
Love Speech
Bye Mom Bye Dad Love you
Bonjour, Talofa, Hello. What is the role of love in our lives today? Love is a broad subject. It can take forever to talk about it. However, I am going to focus on THREE things.
1st. What does love mean to me?
2nd.How I show love?
3rd. How does love help you and me?
When I hear the word love, I immediately think of things that I love so much. (For example I would think about my family and relatives. Or sometimes I may think about food that I love.)
Soooo… Love is beauty. There’s a saying that goes, ‘The world is full of beauty, when the heart is full of love.’ Yes, love is beauty. It decorates your life with positive and warm feelings of reaching out. Our eyes are attracted to the beauty of flowers, the beauty of a newborn baby, the beauty of nature, the beauty of things people make, the beauty of toys, the beauty of styles, the beauty of colours, the beauty of smiles, the beauty of gifts. The ears are attracted to the beauty of music, the beauty of words, and the beauty of sound. But the heart is attracted to the beauty of love. All these things bring beauty to the world because they represent one word---Love.
When I’m showing love I always do a lot of things that will represent it. I always do these things just to show how much I love this person.
Therefore Love is not selfish. Love makes you think of other people. It makes you serve others. It makes you share. It makes you listen. It makes you understand and respect others feelings. I have come to learn when I think of others, when I share, when I do little acts of service, I get the same thing back and it seems I get more than I give more things, more attention, and more loved. At home, I used to do things because my parents tell me to do them. But when I understand it is better to do something because you love that person, I do not wait to be told. I surprise them sometimes by making them breakfast. I write little notes to thank them and tell them I love them. I clean their room, I help my dad in the kitchen, I iron my own uniforms sometimes, I clean the house and I share my lunches and things with my friends because of love. Because of that, I found myself growing.
Now Love is something that will change your life upside down. It will help us by getting a better life, better education and everything that is needed to be changed. Love will help you even though you don’t believe that it will. But trust me it will always help you or me in life.
Love builds a person. It makes you grow. It makes you want to do more, and the more you give, the more you get. It makes you grow to love others more than your own self. It makes you grow to appreciate what you have. Love makes you grow to become a better person. Too often hear these simple words ‘I love you’ at home, either my parents saying it to each other, or to me, it builds my parents’ trust for each other, and my trust in them. It builds a safe and a loving home for me. And because of that, I’m growing up knowing I can always look forward to go home so I can hear it over and over again and feel it.
Love is a really big thing that I will or have experience and I will always show love in my life especially at home or when there is special occasions. Last of all Love will always help you in life and sometimes it may be a key to open or lock doors. Having said all these things, I therefore say, Love is beauty, it is not selfish, and it builds you up.
Thank you for listening. Tofa Soifua!
Graffiti Argument
Some People believe that Graffiti is art and not art.
Graffiti is Art because….
Well Graffiti is art because they draw pictures and words. Graffiti is art because some are appropriate to see in public. Plus they don’t do it in mean ways. Also….. Graffiti is art because they can tell stories and there is a lot of good ways of doing it. And they do it bye using spray cans to do it which is part of art. Right?
Graffiti is not art because…..
Graffiti is not art because it can be inappropriate and they can do it in mean ways to people. Along with this. Graffiti is not art because they can do vandalism. Graffiti is not art because it can destroy property. Art is never so post to destroy property.
Now I believe that Graffiti is art because when someone is doing Graffiti they have a true passion about it and there the ones that decide if its art or not. I Also Believe that Graffiti is art because it’s a way to share and express things to public or it can be personal. I believe that Graffiti is Art because people love to do it and they say that it is art
After considering both sides. I believe that Graffiti is Art
Telling the truth
Do you know telling the truth is the only way to get yourself out of trouble. Lying wont even though your get out trouble by lying something bad will come back to you that will get you in alot more trouble than before. Do you know I've learnt how many lessons of not to lie. Even in Kiwiwcan at school. I think this term or last term was about honest. They told you to always be honest and the more you do that alot of good things will happen. They even said you must be honest even if its about your friend. So do me a favour please be honest in the world to your parent's and others too.
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Being a example
What is being an example?
Being an example is like doing things that are right. Why? Because those that are small look up to the big ones and the things that the big ones do is what the small ones do. Its like a robot. If one robot does it the others do it too. So seniors,teenagers and adults be a great example to your children,cousins or even elementary people. So that New Zealand will be a better to place for a wise people. If you've been example to someone. Please write a comment on what you did good today and a little one did the same one too. Cya!
Being an example is like doing things that are right. Why? Because those that are small look up to the big ones and the things that the big ones do is what the small ones do. Its like a robot. If one robot does it the others do it too. So seniors,teenagers and adults be a great example to your children,cousins or even elementary people. So that New Zealand will be a better to place for a wise people. If you've been example to someone. Please write a comment on what you did good today and a little one did the same one too. Cya!
Friday, 25 November 2011
It has come to the best thing that ends in a horrible way
Can you believe I have two issues that is going to end in two horrible ways. First of all schools about to end and Second Mrs Clements is leaving. How terrible does it have to end.
I am going to miss school and my year 6 classmates. For they will be going to Maunrewa Intermediate or in other words Intermediate. I will miss them so bad I don't think any friends can replace them for I have had great friendship with them and now it has to come to end.
Now lets talk about Mrs Clements. Shes fun,creative and very good to teach others about Scotland. She the best teacher I have ever had and now she has to leave to go faraway which is Singapore. She going there for good. So this is my good bye to Year 6's and my great teacher Mrs Clements. I hope you will have a great experience wherever you will be off too. I want you guys to know you have been the best to me and I have learnt great teachings and lessons froms yous. Love always
You most grateful and truthful friend
I am going to miss school and my year 6 classmates. For they will be going to Maunrewa Intermediate or in other words Intermediate. I will miss them so bad I don't think any friends can replace them for I have had great friendship with them and now it has to come to end.
Now lets talk about Mrs Clements. Shes fun,creative and very good to teach others about Scotland. She the best teacher I have ever had and now she has to leave to go faraway which is Singapore. She going there for good. So this is my good bye to Year 6's and my great teacher Mrs Clements. I hope you will have a great experience wherever you will be off too. I want you guys to know you have been the best to me and I have learnt great teachings and lessons froms yous. Love always
You most grateful and truthful friend
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Respecting your elders
Did you know respecting your elders are very important? Why? Well its like respecting your parents. It is very rude to disrespect them. You need to be a great example to your brother sister or relatives. Maybe the children below you at school home and everywhere else. I have learned from my parents that have brought me up to always respect your elders no matter what and your parents probably expect the same too.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
One last drop
As Amber ran with joy playing with her friend Abby. The sun began to glow. Its bright colours shone through the sky as it began to rise down. As Amber and Abby enjoyed the last bit of fun. Abby was magically pushed onto the road. "Err""Boom, Clash" A big cloud of smoke went passed. As soon as it cleared there lying on the road was Ambers best friend Abby. She was badly injured. Amber ran as fast as she could as tears came streaming down her face. "Abby Abby Wake up" she said very scared. As Abby didn't move for the last 5 seconds Amber was very frightened. She ran and ran yelling in sain for help. As the last tear drop fell she immediately froze
The Abandoned Girl
As Abby woke up she found herself abandoned in the dessert with cows mooing and horse landing poop everywhere. She got up and accidentally stepped on a mountain of poo that had now had a footprint the size of her boot. She quickly ran and in lines and circles and found she was trapped in the middle of no where So she decided to ride a horse. In no time down she went trying to find a place to sleep on with her brown horse. They took all day and all night when finally they reached a burnt down place. They slept for the day. Years went pass and they didn't find a singly city, town or home. Finally by the age of 14 they had found a crumbled down town with only one building standing. As the skinny brown horse reached the building. Out popped an old man with a beautiful young girl who look as if as was 5. As they saw the stranger coming towards them they quickly ran inside. Abby was upset. As she lay in tears crying for help. The old man had fell love and care for her. He slowly walked towards her with a plate full of bread and a cracked glass full of water. She was very grateful as she ate. Later on that day she fell asleep in the living room with her brown horse curved around her. What a great adventure she had! The moral of the story is to be grateful for what you have and you will find more treasure.
Friday, 18 November 2011
Get ready for battle!
Queen Elizabeth was a good, clever, strong, magic, human on the strange island that lived on. Every day she had to order uniforms for the battle. Minutes,Hours and Days went past of practicing Finally it was the battle. She used every thing she could. Bombs,Guns,Arrows and all things were used to defeat the enemies. Finally at last they saved Lilliput and Queen Elizabeth turned all the mean, cruel and selfish enemies into little cockroaches.
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Secret Underworld
As I woke up I found myself sitting on a bluish pinkish coral that was at the bottom of the sea. I got up not realizing what was happening when I saw a swordfish come swimming straight pass my face. I quickly look around and found everything as a sea world. As I looked at my body I saw a pinkish bluish tail that matched with the coral and when I swam it would sparkle ,plus i would feel wetness which i didn't know what is was. I was about to swim to up to dry land when big nets came down hovering over fish and other beautiful sea creatures such as mermaids,merman's,sea Los monster and other soughts that was so cool. I was too busy worrying about the others when i too found myself going up to sea. As we reached sea I saw so many creatures and fish with no air. I quickly swung my tail to get out when water was bursting from my tail. As soon as it landed on the creatures they disappeared. I once more swung my tail when the others and I disappeared. I desperately opened my eyes and found that is was just a dream. That was an amazing adventure!
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
A strange dream
It all started when I was at Clendon Park School. It was the afternoon and I was waiting and looking at the clock. “Tic Tic Tic Toc” went the clock. “Ding a Ding a Ding” went the bell. My Weekend had just begun!!! For my Weekend I had to say with my Aunty May. I had never been there before. I hoped it would be cool. I went to the car park and saw my Mom and Dad waiting for me.” Come on dear we have to go” said Dad. I ran as fast as I could to the car. I got in and we drove off to Aunty Mays House
When we arrived I got out of the car and took my clothes and went walking along the pathway. Well I was walking along the path I saw Aunty May on the roof. My mouth opened and I was thinking ” What the. I thought she was old not a jumping cheetah”. So I just went inside. When I got in her house I saw alot of bugs crawling up and down the wall, A riped couch and a desk with old pizza. I said “Ewwww that’s disgusting”. I went up stairs and opened the door that said Welcome to your Room. When I got inside my room. I had a desk with a basket that had rotten fruit and had a wooden bed with a rock as my pillow and a old towel. Aunty May came inside my Room.
”Welcome Home Darling. Oh I almost forgot there is no power right now,no food and no water”. I looked under my bed and saw a weird drink that said Dreams come true. I had no choice but to drink it. I drank it and I automatically turned as tiny as an ant. Cockroaches and Spiders started to chase me. I ran as fast as I could. Aunty May thought she heard a voice. She came up stairs and opened the door. I screamed ” Aunty May!! Aunty May!” She accidentally stepped on me. Later on I grew back to my own size. Aunty May asked what happened to you. ” It was a long story”.
When we arrived I got out of the car and took my clothes and went walking along the pathway. Well I was walking along the path I saw Aunty May on the roof. My mouth opened and I was thinking ” What the. I thought she was old not a jumping cheetah”. So I just went inside. When I got in her house I saw alot of bugs crawling up and down the wall, A riped couch and a desk with old pizza. I said “Ewwww that’s disgusting”. I went up stairs and opened the door that said Welcome to your Room. When I got inside my room. I had a desk with a basket that had rotten fruit and had a wooden bed with a rock as my pillow and a old towel. Aunty May came inside my Room.
”Welcome Home Darling. Oh I almost forgot there is no power right now,no food and no water”. I looked under my bed and saw a weird drink that said Dreams come true. I had no choice but to drink it. I drank it and I automatically turned as tiny as an ant. Cockroaches and Spiders started to chase me. I ran as fast as I could. Aunty May thought she heard a voice. She came up stairs and opened the door. I screamed ” Aunty May!! Aunty May!” She accidentally stepped on me. Later on I grew back to my own size. Aunty May asked what happened to you. ” It was a long story”.
Friday, 11 November 2011
Melissa and the Competition
When Melissa’s mum had passed on and gone to a better place, Melissa was the only one that could continue the family tradition of ice skating. She practised and practised and practised, until Jessica came along and said “I am the best at the magnificent sport of Ice Skating.” “No you aren’t” said Melissa. “Yes” said Jessica. “We’ll have a competion”said Melissa.
The crowd was packed. One side for Melissa. There were even judges like Miley Cyrus, Rihannah and even Taylor Swift. It was Jessica’s turn. She did old lame tricks. The judges all gave 1.0 for the score. Jessica was cross.
It was Melissa’s turn. She did tricks that famous people never knew. The crowd went wild. Even the judges were. Everybody on Ana’s side went to Melissa’s side. “So you think you’re better than me?” said Jessica. “So SINCE YOU DID THIS TO ME YOU WILL BE A PENGUIN ON ICE ! So no one never saw Melissa’s ice skating again.
The crowd was packed. One side for Melissa. There were even judges like Miley Cyrus, Rihannah and even Taylor Swift. It was Jessica’s turn. She did old lame tricks. The judges all gave 1.0 for the score. Jessica was cross.
It was Melissa’s turn. She did tricks that famous people never knew. The crowd went wild. Even the judges were. Everybody on Ana’s side went to Melissa’s side. “So you think you’re better than me?” said Jessica. “So SINCE YOU DID THIS TO ME YOU WILL BE A PENGUIN ON ICE ! So no one never saw Melissa’s ice skating again.
The Castle of Great Happiness!
As the wooden door closed everything vanished.The great castle was going into a swirling circle.One by one pieces of the house was moving and into the circle.Now a city named Ronda’s has been changed for the last 3 years.Ever since that castle has been in that circle,no body’s ever been happier than ever.The sun doesn’t shine anymore because of everybody and their damp faces.It just rains and bright lighting happens in the city of Ronda’ day,when the last day of the castle of happiness was still alive,it had a better day than all the other times it was in that joyful town.”It might of known that it was going to go away”said Daniella in a shivering voice.It had all sorts of things for example,sweet candyfloss,potato chips,ice blocks and candy.On that day a girl and boy named Augustest and Paige they were these kids who lived on the road with their delightful father.Their mother passed away when those kids were only 3 years old.when they saw that castle,they ran inside and saw how much fun it was.So they went in and had fun.They tried the spinets ride,which you go inside a door and go on this ride upside down.But! their favourite ride was the upside down rollacostar.When the castle was going into the swilling circle,the girl got locked in but the boy survived.
Thursday, 10 November 2011
A very special friend
"You look very pretty, You did very good, Congratulations"my friend would say, So you see shes not any ordinary friend shes a friend I can trust,a person who will always be there and will always have a shoulder to cry on. This friend is a year older than me. She has brown long hair that's always in a pony tail. Her fingers are an inch bigger than mine and is very good at sports. She runs like the wind and holds the ball or something else like a professional. Her name is Bella. Shes probably 8 inches taller. Lets talk about school. Her favourite subject is Reading an Maths. Shes also a very good hand writer. Guess What? She even sings a little. Her voice sounds exactly like Rhianna. Bella you are a very special friend to me because youre always there! Thankyou for being like family to me even though that we fight bt after that we forget about it.
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Primary Colours
The Primary Colours are 1, 2, 3 Red ,Yellow and Blue
Each Colour has a symbol for me and you, each has a message too
Red is for courage to do what is right
Yellow is for morning and night
Blue is for truth and courage too
Must to do things that are true.
Each Colour has a symbol for me and you, each has a message too
Red is for courage to do what is right
Yellow is for morning and night
Blue is for truth and courage too
Must to do things that are true.
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
The day the school shook
We were quietly reading a book when suddenly, the class started to shake. The voices went up and the boys started to scream as loud they could. “Aaaaaaaaaaah run for your lives”. “No get under your desk” Mrs Clements said. “Yeah” Zaara said. So the girls got under their, they couldn’t even stop talking about the earthquake. “Shhhh” the girls said. Suddenly the computers started to fall off, it ended up giving a little shock on the floor which was connected to the water pipes. The water started to squirt everywhere which made the shock go even more powerful. “Get me out of here” said Sasha. “Carm down Zaara said. “Well be out of here as soon as it is safe” said Samantha. “Fine it is just scary that is all” replied Sasha. But something was not right everybody could not realize what had happened. “The earthquake is finish” Bella yelled. “Children wait until I come out then you can” Mrs Clements said. But suddenly it started to shake like an angry bull was coming. Mrs Clements started to slip and the class started to fall apart. “Hold hands all of yous” Mrs Clements yelled. “Ewwwwwwwwwwwww” We said. “There is not time just do it” Mrs Clements replied. But they were too late. Suddenly they all fell out of the window. The boys suddenly go some of there classmates and ran to the field. They arrived and all curled up in a ball like a scared cat. Everybody went quiet. “It stopped” Sasha said. “I’m free” she said again. Mrs Clements ran as fast as she could. “Its finish and safe I assure you” Mrs Clements yelled. That is when the school started to shook. Or in other words when something mysterious happened
Monday, 7 November 2011
Great Athletics Day!
The big day had just arrived. I've been waiting for this day to come. Athletics Day! were we had to run and throw. It was a day where the whole school participated. As Athletics Day carried on allot of races went pass. Mostly the junior school. I loved it when it came to Intermediate Year 5's you know why? Because it was my turn. It was time for the winner to step in. Unfortunately I didn't come a place. But to me I came 3rd. As I was walking back to my group trying to catch a gulp of air my friend Bella came towards me. She hugged me so tight as if I was her teddy bear. Then she said the most sweetest thing ever" Ashaldine you might've lost the race but in my world you won". It was so sweet my eyes grew wide and my smile got so big like a grown yellow banana. Everyone tried hard especially those in Room1. The best thing about it was that teachers got to race. Our teacher Ms Clements go to run. I think shes runs really fast.
This was a day to remember!
This was a day to remember!
When I was about to race
How a snail moves?
A snail is a mini beast that loves outdoors.
Snail move by crawling. They crawl by using a little foot that is hidden hidden under their slimy skin. Their little foot is made out of tiny muscles. This foot helps the snail move up and down it also helps it crawl better.
Snail are very slimy and stinky.
Snail move by crawling. They crawl by using a little foot that is hidden hidden under their slimy skin. Their little foot is made out of tiny muscles. This foot helps the snail move up and down it also helps it crawl better.
Snail are very slimy and stinky.
What is a bike?
A bike is for riding outdoors. It usually has two wheels. But have you ever wandered how a bike actually works?
The pedals are for your feet so you pedal the bike.
The seat is for you to sit on while you are pedalling.
The handles are for you to hold on and too keep you safe so you wont fall off.
When you pedal the chain starts to move the wheels. Suddenly your bike starts to move and all of a sudden your riding a bike.
Bikes are very helpful in your life because it gives you great exercises and it saves gas.
The pedals are for your feet so you pedal the bike.
The seat is for you to sit on while you are pedalling.
The handles are for you to hold on and too keep you safe so you wont fall off.
When you pedal the chain starts to move the wheels. Suddenly your bike starts to move and all of a sudden your riding a bike.
Bikes are very helpful in your life because it gives you great exercises and it saves gas.
My Excuses!
It all started when I was sitting on a chair staring at my homework.
Thinking what to do.
So I decided to do my homework. SUDDENLY I heard my sister’s boyfriend yell.
HELP!!! I ran down stairs
And found bears chewing on my dolly’s ears. So I crept through the door
And guess what I saw my sister’s boyfriend sitting on a dinosaurs jaw.
I left him there and went to the dare but I heard another scream.
Aaaaaaaaaahhh!!!! I went to see and saw a geek rapped around a snake.
I went to help. But the geek yelped and did not need help. He was not very good when he through a wood and ended up on a fishing rod.
It was night. I had to say good night and take a big bite. I went home and forgot my
Homework. That’s why I have no homework in front of me today.
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Identical Twins!
As I woke up on a beautiful strange morning I found myself looking exactly like my cousin Dallin. I had the brown goldish hair,I had the cold skinful mouth and I even had the pimple that stuck right in the corner of his forehead. I screamed so loud that the birds in the trees flew away I even brang my dad into my room or should I say Dallin's Dad. As he came in he started to say"Whats wrong Dallin?" "I'm not Dallin, I'm Ashaldine your niece" I shouted out. "Enough jokes get ready for school,your gonna be late!" he said and then hurried out of the room. As he closed the door I saw it was a brown one not the door that I had poster and pictures of myself. My eyes went around the room,it didn't have my pretty little teddy bears neither,my draws even the clothes I was wearing! This couldn't be true I went down to the basement and hit myself with my fake dad's hammer. OW! I screamed it was a nightmare. I ran back upstairs and got a bandage. I dragged myself all the way back to the room and got changed. As I went through this mysterious ugly draws I found pairs of boy clothes One by one. Boy T-Shirts,Boy Shorts and even Boy underwear that appeared to be a little dirty. Gross!. I quickly put on the boy traditional clothes and hurried downstairs. I ran to the phone dialed my home number and it as answered my me. My cousin had just become me. He started to scream!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!. Oh I missed my girl voice. I quickly told him about the plan. He met me at school. We went down the green squishy field and sat down under an oak tree.We were murmuring all day long. How could this day get any worse.
Bonding with Ezra
“Faster, Faster, Ezra” I yelled to my disabled uncle. It was his first time here and he hardly ever spent time with me. So this was the moment he did. He was sweating so tough because of the bright scorching sun, but still continued to run. Round and round in circles he went. He stopped to catch his gulp of air but I kept screaming at him (well mostly just doing secret language which meant keep on going). “C’mon Ezra run now” I said desperate to stop running but couldn’t because my uncle might do the same. After that we started to bounce the ball together. He acted as if he was in a basketball game. You could see his facial expression when he shot the ball in an imaginary hoop. His facial expression is like I’m going to do it look. (You know what I’m talking about Right?). The crowd goes wild. “Aaaahhhhhhhhhh” but actually it’s my grandparents applauding and saying” Go Ezra Go Ezra You can do it” They repeat over a million times.
After the whole workout we go inside. He’s breathing so quickly like his heartbeat that is doing the same. We go indoors to the kitchen and sit down at the table. I get a full stack of papers (which they are worksheets) and lay them in front of him. He immediately tries to escape but I was so fast like lightning that I was able to catch him. He sits back down looking at me (trying to make me feel sorry) for him but it doesn’t work. Later on everything was done. We sit down relaxing and started to gobble hot dogs on a stick along with tomato sauce on it. It even ended up beside and under my lips. Ezra sitting there eating his hot dog smiling at me (which is a sign that he is laughing and it means that he likes his hotdog).
While I was noisily eating my hot dog because it was so crunchy. I sat there thinking to myself that this is the nicest thing I have done so far in the holidays.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Happy Guyforks Night!
As I was sitting on my bed gazing at the most beautiful colourful fire works that flew across the midnight sky. I received a call from my next door neighbour Dallin who was my cousin, calling me if I would like to join them by watching amazing fireworks into that shot up into the black plain night. I hanged up the phone put on something nice and warm, ran outside with my parents. We gazed for a second or two and then hurried along next door. As we sat down on the cold wooden deck, it was time that we unleashed our eyes. As fireworks went shooting up into the midnight sky others appeared to shine. It was so beautiful that it brought happiness and joy to my parents and I. But as we stayed there for a little while the fireworks became to grow louder and louder. It became to frighten me and all of a sudden all I wanted to do was go home and hide under the coversheet of my bed. It took all night for me to sleep. I was so worried about the fireworks. Finally I got to rest my head. It wasn't a bad night after all.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
School is the most GREATEST oppertunity!
People in the world today mostly children and some adults have given up on the most wonderful opportunity that comes in their life. SCHOOL!. MOSTLY CHILDREN. All because they want to watch TV or because they don't want to do one of the school activities. Like Athletics or Cross Country. Children and Adults in the world if you ever give up one the most wonderful great opportunity of school you will miss out on having great knowledge. I encourage everyone out their in the world. Continue in school and never give up!
To keep Reverent
Today is Sabbath Day, when we had to pray
To Church we went away, tithing also we must pay
In Primary I must say learn listen and obey
Keeping Commandments is what we must do
Heavenly Father will bless me and you
To Church we went away, tithing also we must pay
In Primary I must say learn listen and obey
Keeping Commandments is what we must do
Heavenly Father will bless me and you
Singing Miracle Audtion
Once in the most best life ever. There lived 2 sisters named Clorette and Jessica. They were both likely the same. They both loved bananas,they both wrote with their left. But something special about them was that they were both very passionate about singing.
One day when they were watching TV. A commercial came on informing everyone in town that their were singing auditions and if you pass it you will get to perform in front of the Queen. So they ran to their rooms and started to get change. Clothes went up in the air. They couldn't decide to what to wear. Finally they where ready. They ran outside, got into their dad's car and drove off to the auditions. As soon as they arrived they jumped out and raced in. When it was their turn the judges told both of them to sing. As soon as they finished the judges faces were shocked. They didn't know they sounded the same. They won the audition to go perform in front of the queen.
When they did perform in front of the Queen. She was amazed. After 2 days they became 2 big pop stars. They were so lucky that they were born to do this.
One day when they were watching TV. A commercial came on informing everyone in town that their were singing auditions and if you pass it you will get to perform in front of the Queen. So they ran to their rooms and started to get change. Clothes went up in the air. They couldn't decide to what to wear. Finally they where ready. They ran outside, got into their dad's car and drove off to the auditions. As soon as they arrived they jumped out and raced in. When it was their turn the judges told both of them to sing. As soon as they finished the judges faces were shocked. They didn't know they sounded the same. They won the audition to go perform in front of the queen.
When they did perform in front of the Queen. She was amazed. After 2 days they became 2 big pop stars. They were so lucky that they were born to do this.
Christmas in the park
Last year there were one the days I wouldn't forget. CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK! Fireworks,singing and eating so much more happened there. There were lots of families there enjoying themselves by sitting down in the grass watching. I enjoyed all of the performances and plus I even got to meet Cample Live for real!. This was a great day. I had so much fun!. We even got to buy some cool funky glasses.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Is that you Santa Claus? 2
Its was a possum! It was so terrified it hit the switch to turn on the fireplace. It was out of control. It moved here and there. Up here and Down here. I tried to stop it but it ran to fast it tripped over one of the branches of the Christmas tree. OH NO! The Christmas tree fell down into the fire. The fire began to grow until it reached the roof. I was in the chimney alone until the possum came up too. I climbed as high as I could. And as I opened my eyes there I was sitting on the top of my roof. As magical sparkles came down to the ground. I looked up and there I saw Santa. As soon as he landed he was ready to give me presents by putting them under my Christmas tree. Too late! My house is was on fire! I quickly warned Santa. He pushed me on to his sleigh and jumped on. We flew away until we reached the North Pole and I lived sadly ever after.
Is that you Santa Claus
As I was in the kitchen making cupcakes, cookies and pouring milk into glasses. An enormous THUMP! came down my chimney and into the fireplace. I quietly walked towards the blank cold fireplace and THUMP! I heard it again. I thought it was coming out so I quickly hid behind our big fat Christmas tree. As the door creaked open,something started to sniff,sniff,sniff. It went into kitchen and started to much on all my Delicious yummy sweets I had just made. I was so angry I cracked a vase behind me. The enormous creature slammed the door open and started to head for the Christmas tree. It found me! It wasn't Santa at all it was.....
To be continued in the next chapter.

Best Grandma Ever!
I remember my grandma use to take me to her work in Samoa. She use to always make sure that I was alright. I always use to say “You are the best grandma in the world. I did not know anything about my Nana. My Grandmas name is Aliitasi. It is a very nice name. She always liked to wear her nice sparkly pulakasi and a flower on her ear. She lives in Samoa in a gorgeous house. She has a husband and 7 children. Her hair is grey and white. She is a very caring women. I love her more than anything in the world. Now she comes to NZ in the holidays to visit me. She always brings some thing for me. I miss her very much. But we still keep in touch by email.
Monday, 31 October 2011
A talent to discover
Ever since I grew up starting from the age of 7. I began to wonder... Do I have a talent. As I went through days of my life asking people I knew. Asked my parents, cousins,Aunty's, Uncle and all other relatives. The answer was: Its for you to know and for us to find out. "Well how would I know" I thought....
One Day as I took a drive down with my dad, We stopped by the library. As we walked in I looked around. Everywhere were books. Nothing but books. As my dad was waiting in line I sat down in comfy squishy bean bag with a beautiful looking book. As minutes went by I became so obsessed with books. I read one after another. Each author after another. Then I finally discovered my talent. "Reading I bet" I thought to myself. I enjoyed in so much, so I thought it was time to discover my talent. After years went by I grew up with the most amazing books.
I had discovered my talent.... It was Reading!
One Day as I took a drive down with my dad, We stopped by the library. As we walked in I looked around. Everywhere were books. Nothing but books. As my dad was waiting in line I sat down in comfy squishy bean bag with a beautiful looking book. As minutes went by I became so obsessed with books. I read one after another. Each author after another. Then I finally discovered my talent. "Reading I bet" I thought to myself. I enjoyed in so much, so I thought it was time to discover my talent. After years went by I grew up with the most amazing books.
I had discovered my talent.... It was Reading!
Getting to know Ashaldine
Greetings. My name is Ashaldine and I am 10 turning 11 next year in October.
I come from a family of three, my dad, mum and me. So basically I'm the only child. I was brought to always try my best in everything. But in things I don't know how to do. Just give it a try and see how its goes.
I go to school called Clendon Park School. I am in Room1 with a beautiful teacher Ms Clements. My favourite subject in school is Reading and Writing. Reading will take you around the world and as your write you begin to feel like you were there again. I have lots of friends at school and in the world. My friends at school is Sally and Jasmine. Great Friends, Never let you down and are always there for me even if their hurt too. But I have a BFF, which stands for Best Friend Forever. Her name is Imelda. I met her ever since I was four and guess what I still keep in touch.
I also have been to so many countries. Australia,America,Samoa and For Cities Christchurch,Hamilton. For Islands too Savaii,Hawaii and much much more....... I have had so much fun in travelling.
Welcome ot the life of Ashaldine
I come from a family of three, my dad, mum and me. So basically I'm the only child. I was brought to always try my best in everything. But in things I don't know how to do. Just give it a try and see how its goes.
I go to school called Clendon Park School. I am in Room1 with a beautiful teacher Ms Clements. My favourite subject in school is Reading and Writing. Reading will take you around the world and as your write you begin to feel like you were there again. I have lots of friends at school and in the world. My friends at school is Sally and Jasmine. Great Friends, Never let you down and are always there for me even if their hurt too. But I have a BFF, which stands for Best Friend Forever. Her name is Imelda. I met her ever since I was four and guess what I still keep in touch.
I also have been to so many countries. Australia,America,Samoa and For Cities Christchurch,Hamilton. For Islands too Savaii,Hawaii and much much more....... I have had so much fun in travelling.
Welcome ot the life of Ashaldine
My Dream as Doctor
When I grow up I want to be a doctor because I can save and help people who are hurt.
To do this I have to go to university for 6 years then graduate. I must study hard to be a doctor. The university has a special Medical School where you learn how to be a doctor and how to fix people’s injuries.As soon as I am finished with University and studying hard as a doctor. I will be able to fulfill my dreams and help those people out there in the world get better.
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