Monday 5 December 2011

Farwell most great fabulous teacher!

As water splashed everywhere and ballons popped from bodys to grass. The bell rang! Ding a Ding a Ding! it went. The day of fun and great mermories had just ended. Everyone had no formed a crowd around a great beloved scottish teacher Mrs Clements who was going to Singapore on Sunday. Tears came streaming down faces and noise began to come out of their mouths. It sounded like hicupps. Room1 was so sad she was leaving. Everyone cried with desperation and pleaded her to stay but to late she booked a flight to leave. Room1 knew she was family. They were so closed to her everyone cried very hard and alot of tears came streaming down their faces at top speed. I guess it never ended. Well Miss Clements if you're reading this post today. Farwell and Thankyou for all the great love and happiness plus teachings you have given and taught us to today and straight forward untill life ends. Ill miss you so much and I am pretty sure no perfect teacher like you can replace to you.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Mrs Trunchball Description

Mrs Trunchball is a tall women because when she is talking to children like Matilda she always bends down. She is as ugly as a frog. She has humongous shoulders because she is athletic. She also wears green short breeches with a heavy belt with a silver lock on it. She wears long green stockings along with brown bogs with holes.
Mrs Trunchbull is as mean as bully. She is mean to children, teachers and even parents. She is the headmistress of Crunchem Hall. You go near her you will feel doom and danger coming towards you.
Mrs Trunchbull hates children and teachers like Mrs Honey. She hates being disturbed because she says she is always busy. Mrs Trunchbull hates people around her so she likes to be alone. She also loves and enjoys athletic sports. Like shot put.

Matilda's Revenge

 It was early in the morning when Matilda got out of bed. She ran down stairs and quickly set the oven.
While it was settling she ran outside to see if there were any bugs in sight. She saw grasshoppers jumping around, coachroach lying on the ground and ants running up and down. She secretly captured the insects and ran back inside.
 She splatted the eggs down on the pan and in 5 minutes the breakfast was ready. She started to hide the insects. She first hid the coachroaches underneath the bacon. She then hid the grasshoppers behind the broccoli and last of all hid the ants in the Milo. She had a disgust frown on her face “YUCK” she whispered she put the breakfast on the tray and put it on the table.
 But then she remembered the last bit of her plan. She quickly went to the bathroom and got the thin big bottle of super glue. She ran downstairs and put 4 neat straight lines on the chair. It even made a square. She then pushed the chair in.
 Finally her dad came down stairs sat on the seat and yelled “Where is my breakfast”. Her mum came in and said” Looks like Michael made your breakfast”. “How sweet of you Michael” Mr Wormwood said. Michael had a frown on his mouth. He did not know what they were talking about. Mrs Wormwood gave his breakfast with a fork and a sharp knife. He at the egg. He said it was nice. He ate the bacon but then he tasted something crawling around. His face went red. He spat the bacon down and found a coachroach crawling around. He screamed. He quickly drank his Milo and felt more crawling things in his mouth. He spat it out and saw millions or less ants running around He started to yell like girl. He yelled so loud that the Milo fell on the floor and more ants poured out of the Milo. He then saw nothing near the broccoli so he ate it and when he opened his mouth a grasshopper jumped out.
 He was so satisfied he got up and along went the chair with him. He then noticed that he could not stand straight. He looked in the back of him and saw the chair was stuck to him. He looked around angry and stopped right at Michael. “What kind of a breakfast is this you give to your father and after all I have done for you”. “But I did not do it Dad” Michael cried. “Don’t lie to me boy soon you are going to join the business and this is how you treat me”. Steam started to pour from his ears. He was so angry he was able to rip of the chair that was stuck to his bottom. From that day on Matilda was so happy she accomplished her revenge

Matilda Description

Matilda is a small young girl. She is a 4 year old with hair as long as Rapunzel. Matilda has a short pointy nose. She has very small eyes and a skinny body.
Matilda is smart as Mrs Clements. She is very sneaky, she was able to put super glue in her dad’s hat. Matilda is also very nice and has manners to Mrs Phelps.
Matilda likes to read a lot of books. Matilda, I know that because she can read a lot of adult books. Matilda hates the facts that her dad is dishonest with his job. Matilda also hates to watch TV and the TV dinners she gets from her Mother. She says it is very disgusting.

Monday 28 November 2011

Pizza Song

Im not afraid,Im not afraid to take a pizza, to take a pizza.
Everybody, Everybody, take a slice take a slice. Its only $1.00 come to Room1 and order it right now. Everybody please come Waka Waka Pizza Planet!

Sunday 27 November 2011

Pizza Day!

As the children worked hard by rolling the dough making pizza shape bases and putting alot of ingredients on while on the other hand  Mrs Clements our wonderful energetic teacher wa s yelling Hurry Up trying to encorage to go alot more faster. I guess she really wanted to do this. . Finally we were done that I had just mention tro you earlier. So we ended up selling it in time. Everyone loved our pizza I think and wanted to eat somemore. Thankyou Clendon Park School

Love Speech

Bye Mom Bye Dad Love you
Bonjour, Talofa, Hello. What is the role of love in our lives today? Love is a broad subject. It can take forever to talk about it. However, I am going to focus on THREE things.

1st. What does love mean to me?
2nd.How I show love?
3rd. How does love help you and me?

When I hear the word love, I immediately think of things that I love so much. (For example I would think about my family and relatives. Or sometimes I may think about food that I love.)
Soooo… Love is beauty. There’s a saying that goes, ‘The world is full of beauty, when the heart is full of love.’ Yes, love is beauty. It decorates your life with positive and warm feelings of reaching out. Our eyes are attracted to the beauty of flowers, the beauty of a newborn baby, the beauty of nature, the beauty of things people make, the beauty of toys, the beauty of styles, the beauty of colours, the beauty of smiles, the beauty of gifts. The ears are attracted to the beauty of music, the beauty of words, and the beauty of sound. But the heart is attracted to the beauty of love. All these things bring beauty to the world because they represent one word---Love.

When I’m showing love I always do a lot of things that will represent it. I always do these things just to show how much I love this person.
Therefore Love is not selfish. Love makes you think of other people. It makes you serve others. It makes you share. It makes you listen. It makes you understand and respect others feelings. I have come to learn when I think of others, when I share, when I do little acts of service, I get the same thing back and it seems I get more than I give more things, more attention, and more loved. At home, I used to do things because my parents tell me to do them. But when I understand it is better to do something because you love that person, I do not wait to be told. I surprise them sometimes by making them breakfast. I write little notes to thank them and tell them I love them. I clean their room, I help my dad in the kitchen, I iron my own uniforms sometimes, I clean the house and I share my lunches and things with my friends because of love. Because of that, I found myself growing.

Now Love is something that will change your life upside down. It will help us by getting a better life, better education and everything that is needed to be changed. Love will help you even though you don’t believe that it will. But trust me it will always help you or me in life.
Love builds a person. It makes you grow. It makes you want to do more, and the more you give, the more you get. It makes you grow to love others more than your own self. It makes you grow to appreciate what you have. Love makes you grow to become a better person. Too often hear these simple words ‘I love you’ at home, either my parents saying it to each other, or to me, it builds my parents’ trust for each other, and my trust in them. It builds a safe and a loving home for me. And because of that, I’m growing up knowing I can always look forward to go home so I can hear it over and over again and feel it.

 Love is a really big thing that I will or have experience and I will always show love in my life especially at home or when there is special occasions. Last of all Love will always help you in life and sometimes it may be a key to open or lock doors. Having said all these things, I therefore say, Love is beauty, it is not selfish, and it builds you up.
Thank you for listening. Tofa Soifua!