Monday, 5 December 2011

Farwell most great fabulous teacher!

As water splashed everywhere and ballons popped from bodys to grass. The bell rang! Ding a Ding a Ding! it went. The day of fun and great mermories had just ended. Everyone had no formed a crowd around a great beloved scottish teacher Mrs Clements who was going to Singapore on Sunday. Tears came streaming down faces and noise began to come out of their mouths. It sounded like hicupps. Room1 was so sad she was leaving. Everyone cried with desperation and pleaded her to stay but to late she booked a flight to leave. Room1 knew she was family. They were so closed to her everyone cried very hard and alot of tears came streaming down their faces at top speed. I guess it never ended. Well Miss Clements if you're reading this post today. Farwell and Thankyou for all the great love and happiness plus teachings you have given and taught us to today and straight forward untill life ends. Ill miss you so much and I am pretty sure no perfect teacher like you can replace to you.

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